contoh kalimat white terror
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- Notable mass killings include deaths from forced army conscription and the White Terror.
Pembunuhan massal yang terkenal termasuk kematian dari pemaksaan wajib militer tentara dan Teror Putih. - During the White Terror, tens of thousands were imprisoned without trial and as many as 5,000 people were killed.
Secara keseluruhan, puluhan ribu orang dipenjara tanpa diadili terlebih dahulu dan 5.000 orang tewas. - The White Terror in Russia refers to the organized violence and mass killings carried out by the White Army during the Russian Civil War (1917–23).
Teror Putih di Rusia merujuk kepada kekerasan terorganisir yang dilakukan oleh Tentara Putih pada Perang Saudara Rusia (1917–23). - According to some Russian historians, the White Terror was a series of premeditated actions directed by their leaders, although this view is contested by others.
Menurut beberapa sejarawan Rusia, Teror Putih adalah sebuah serangkaian aksi yang diperintah oleh para pemimpin mereka, meskipun pandangan tersebut ditantang oleh sejarawan lainnya. - Anti-Bolshevik armies carried out the White Terror, a campaign of violence against perceived Bolshevik supporters which was typically more spontaneous than the state-sanctioned Red Terror.
Tentara anti-Bolshevik sendiri melancarkan Teror Putih, yaitu kampanye kekerasan terhadap para pendukung Bolshevik, dan tindakan ini umumnya jauh lebih spontan daripada Teror Merah yang didukung oleh negara.
Kata lain
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- contoh kalimat "red terror"
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